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VC Punjab University Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood inaugurates 5-day hands-on training workshop on DNA sequencing
VC Punjab University Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood inaugurates 5-day hands-on training workshop on DNA sequencing

The 5-day DNA Sequencing training workshop, jointly organized by the Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) and the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), commenced at CEMB on January 29, 2024. The inauguration was presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of Punjab University, Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood. The event was honored by the presence of Prof Dr Moazzam Naseer Tarar, the Founding Director of Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery, who graced the occasion as the guest of honor. Notable attendees included Prof Dr Rehan Sadiq Shaikh (Director CAMB), Prof. Dr Moazur Rahman (Director CEMB), Dr. M. Farooq Sabar (Incharge DNA Core Facility), along with faculty members, students, and participants from various institutes across Pakistan.
During the inauguration, Prof. Dr. Rehan Sadiq extended a warm welcome to the audience. Dr Farooq Sabar, the chief organizer of the workshop, provided a brief overview of the workshop and selection process of the candidates, revealing that 30 individuals were shortlisted out of a large pool of applicants.
Prof Dr Moazzam Tarar, in his role as the guest of honor, expressed his thoughts on the significance of the training workshop. He highlighted that the training would offer a unique opportunity for participants to gain practical experience in the field of DNA sequencing and understand its applications in various research fields. Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood, the Vice-Chancellor of Punjab University, commended the efforts of both CAMB and CEMB for their contributions to the advancement of molecular biology. He acknowledged the twin centres for their role in strengthening the field and contributing to the progress of the university.
The ceremony concluded by Prof Dr Moazur Rahman, Director of CEMB, delivering a vote of thanks to the participants and the guests of honor. The event wrapped up with the distribution of souvenirs to the esteemed guests.
The workshop is poised to be an enriching experience for the participants, fostering practical skills in cutting-edge technique of DNA sequencing and expanding their understanding of its applications in research with an ultimate target of benefiting humankind and will also foster connections that will shape the future of life science research.