Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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MoU Signed between “Smart Sensing for Climate and Development (SCD), Centre for Geographical Information System (CGIS), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan” and “State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science (SLRSS), Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS), Beijing, China”

MoU Signed between “Smart Sensing for Climate and Development (SCD), Centre for Geographical Information System (CGIS), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan” and “State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science (SLRSS), Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS), Beijing, China”

In a significant step towards enhancing remote sensing and GIS capabilities, the Centre for Geographical Information System (CGIS) at the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science (SLRSS), Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS). This MoU initiates a partnership to promote exchanges, collaboration, and resource sharing between the two esteemed institutions. It represents a major advancement in international collaboration and the fields of remote sensing, GIS, and environmental monitoring. We anticipate fruitful outcomes from this partnership.
The MoU was signed during the International Cooperation Conference on "Integrated Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecosystems in the Asia-Oceania Hotspot", held on 04 June 2024, hosted by SLRSS at the AIRCAS, Beijing, China. Dr. Sawaid Abbas attended in-person, while Prof. Dr. Shahid Ghazi, Director of CGIS, joined via Zoom to discuss the scope of mutual collaboration. The director of SLRSS, leadership from the AIRCAS office, and the chair of TG7 at AOGEO, including Prof. Dr. Husi Letu, Prof. Dr. Liu Jiuliang, Prof. Dr. Qinhuo Liu, Prof. Dr. Jing Li, Dr. Ni Wenjian and Dr. Faisal Mumtaz.
Prof. Dr. Qinhuo Liu presented AIRCAS's initiatives, ongoing projects, and success stories, in his opening remarks, he emphasized the importance of mutual cooperation and how this MoU aligns with broader relationships between China and Pakistan.
Dr. Sawaid Abbas expressed CGIS's commitment to the collaboration on behalf of Prof. Dr. Shahid Ghazi. They emphasized research, career opportunities, education, and the future plans and needs of CGIS. The strategic objectives of SLRSS include exploring leading technologies in Earth observation, developing mechanisms for acquiring and distributing remote sensing information, and providing spatial data on natural resources and the environment at regional and global levels.
Dr. Li Jing highlighted the achievements and ongoing initiatives of the research group in the region, applauding this new beginning of the bilateral relationship as small steps toward a greater cause. Prof. Dr. Husi Letu, Prof. Dr. Liu Jiuliang, and Dr. Ni Wenjian endorsed the collaborative efforts between China and Pakistan to advance science, technology, and sustainable development. Dr. Faisal Mumtaz detailed the terms of the MoU, which concluded with a signing ceremony and group photos. Dr. Sawaid Abbas signed the MoU on behalf of Prof. Dr. Shahid Ghazi.
Strategic Objectives and Collaboration
The MoU establishes a framework for cooperation in remote sensing, GIS, and environmental monitoring. The collaboration aims to enhance capacity building, share knowledge, and promote joint research projects that leverage the strengths of both institutions.
Key Initiatives Under the MoU
Joint Projects and Capacity Building: SLRSS and CGIS will identify and apply for joint research and development projects that align with the strategic needs of both countries. Focus areas include remote sensing applications in environmental monitoring, disaster management, forest degradation monitoring, and sustainable development. Capacity-building initiatives will enhance the technical skills of CGIS staff through training, exchange programs, and collaborative research.
Training and Workshops in Pakistan: SLRSS will organize training sessions and workshops in Pakistan for CGIS staff and relevant stakeholders, covering advanced remote sensing techniques, analysis, and applications in various sectors such as agriculture, forestry, and ecosystem monitoring.
Engagement with Government Sectors: SLRSS and CGIS will collaborate with government sectors in Pakistan to introduce the Asia-Oceania Environmental Monitoring Platform (AOEM) and demonstrate its applications and benefits. Joint seminars and workshops will be organized to engage government officials and policymakers.
Student and Faculty Exchange: Scholarships will be offered to students pursuing MPhil and PhD programs at AIRCAS. Additionally, there will be opportunities for faculty development and research exchanges, allowing visiting scholars from CGIS to collaborate with AIRCAS, fostering academic growth and enhancing research capabilities.
Data Sharing: SLRSS will facilitate CGIS's access to public data from Chinese satellites. Data-sharing protocols will ensure efficient and secure exchange.
Implementation and Coordination
A Joint Steering Committee will be established to oversee the implementation of the MoU. The committee will include representatives from both SLRSS and CGIS, with regular meetings held at least bi-annually to review progress, address challenges, and plan future activities. Both parties will designate a primary point of contact to facilitate communication and coordination.