Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CEES organizes workshop
PU CEES organizes workshop

LAHORE: (Monday, November 4, 2019): Punjab University College of Earth and Environmental Sciences has organized a workshop on “Stack Particulate Matter Emissions Monitoring through ISO-Kinetic Sampler (USEPA Method-5). The workshop was aimed at creating awareness about the smog, its hazardous effects on human health and its remedial measures. Keynote speaker Mr. Muhammad Azeem, Director, Klimatech Engineering Consults, highlighted the important aspects of smog including carbon emissions from different sources. He also demonstrated the students about the air emissions monitoring through Kinetic Sampler (USEPA Methods-5). Prof. Dr. Sajid Rashid Ahmad also highlighted smog triggering factors and their harmful impacts on human life. He further elaborated current situation of Lahore district and gave solutions to minimize the impacts of smog on the community. The workshop was attended by a large number of students, academia and professionals from industry.