Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab


Moot on Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) held at PU

PU organizes Walk, Gala on Women's Day

HCC celebrates 85th Foundation Day

PU VC inaugurates first ever Gene Analysis Laboratory at MMG

PU holds “Hai Jazba Junoon” rally to support national team

Seminar on “Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH)” held at PU

PU VC stresses to be super power of knowledge

Education should be taken as matter of life and death: PU VC

PU VC performs groundbreaking of CIMR Building

Delegation of Rotary Club of Wilmington, USA visits PUCAD

Improving education standard answer to ASA allegations: PU VC

PU providing all-out facilities to Iranian students: Dr Mujahid Kamran
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