Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU RIC organizes workshop
PU RIC organizes workshop

LAHORE: (Thursday, February 2, 2023): Punjab University former Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar has said that there are deep and strong ties between Pakistan and China for 70 years, for the promotion of which young students should play an active role. He was speaking at a workshop organized by the PU Integration Center in collaboration with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the Pakistan Research Center on ‘Governance System and Development Model of China’ in Al Raazi Hall. On this occasion, Chairperson Department of Political Science Prof Dr Iram Khalid, Chairman Department of History Prof Dr Mehboob Hussain, Executive Director of Pakistan Research Center Col. (r) Khalid Taimur Akram, Director RIC Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali, faculty members, researchers and Chinese students studying in PU were present. In his address, Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar said that CPEC and One Belt One Road project was very important for the prosperity of the region, for the completion of which everyone has to work together. He said that measures should be taken at all levels to highlight people-to-people contact and cultural heritage, including exchange programs for teachers and students between Pakistan and China. He said that centers should be established to promote Chinese language in the universities of Pakistan and Urdu language in China so that the languages could be familiarized and each other can be defended in a better way in crises. Appreciating the efforts of the organizers for organizing the event, he said that such workshops give young scholars an opportunity to learn more about other countries. Dr Iram said that China was taking great measures to bring countries around the world closer, for the development and prosperity of humanity. She said that China's interests in the CPEC project were small, but they were still striving for its success. She said that the Pakistani nation should play its role in the field of action to remedy the propaganda against China through fake news. Dr Mahboob Hussain has said that the world has seen many wars, but countries came closer to each other through trade and progressed. He said that the success of projects like CPEC is necessary to establish in the world, for which conflicts have to be avoided. He said that the Karakoram Highway was a proof of deep and unprecedented friendship between Pakistan and China. Col (r) Khalid Taimur Akram said that since the establishment of the RIC, relations with South Asian countries including Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan have been promoted at all levels. He said that China is casting its iron around the world through practical measures. Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali thanked the participants and said that China's development model was admirable which a beacon for developing countries like Pakistan. She said that in the early years, China was one of the opium growing countries, but today its GDP is 17.96 trillion dollars.