
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Online Library

Teaching Methodology
Research oriented teaching is conducted for various courses. The visiting scholars are invited to deliver special professional related lectures and to conduct various seminars and workshops, periodically.
Field Tours
The College management focuses to disseminate modern business education to nation. Field tours are an important part of students's educational activity. The College is therefore providing invaluable chance to the students to see at first hand working of financial market. Students visit renowned industrial units and business houses so that they can develop and prepare themselves for serving as high performer in the most dynamic business environment.
Computer Laboratory
The College has fully equipped computer lab. to provide computer training facilities with state of the art technology to all the students
Library of Hailey College of Banking and Finance is an Information Resource Center equipped with all the latest reference tools including online services. It was established in the year 2003 and has sizeable collection of books in the disciplines of Banking, Finance, Corporate and Mercantile Laws, International Trade, Insurance, Risk Management, Management Sciences and Economics etc. The Library subscribes to various national and International Journals and Magazines apart from an access to 16000 subscribed Text online Journals, daily Newspapers, foreign newspapers and important publications of National & International agencies like Govt, of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, State Bank of Pakistan, World Bank etc. The library serves more than 2,000 members throughout the academic year from morning till night without break. The library is well equipped and air-conditioned having printer, bar code reader and other latest technological facilities.
HCBF Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Hailey College of Banking & Finance Library Web OPAC can now be searched through the Library of Congress z39.5 Gateway Interface http//www.loc.gov/z3950/. Ours is the First Library of University of the Punjab, Lahore and the third library in the South Asian region to avail this facility. Now the library catalogue is available every time for search viz. Title, Author, Subject, Keyword, Any work Users can also find their borrowing record and find history.
Database and electronic journals. In line with the visual library development HCBF library is fast gearing into the subscription and acquiring of online and electronics database. To date more than 1 6,000 full text journals and research articles are accessible For further information please email at hcbflibrary@yahoo.com
Scholarship and Financial Assistance
The students are given University of the Punjab merit and needy scholarships as per policy of the University. Efforts are being made to obtain funds for scholarship from Prominent Old Hailians at home and abroad. Scholarships are expected from our partners in the industry. The deserving Muslim students will be able to get stipends from the Provincial Zakat Fund and Bait-ul-Maal also to meet a part of their educational expenses. The interested students are required to obtain eligibility certificate from the Local Zakat Committee of the area and submit applications to the Zakat Committee and Usher Committee Office after getting the same attested by the Principal.
Cafeteria & Book Shop
The bookshop and cafeteria facilities are provided to the students of the College.
Hostel Accommodation
Students admitted in MBA and BBA (Hons.) Morning Program in Banking and Finance & Insurance & Risk Management may apply to Chairman, Hall Council, (Quaid-e-Azam) New Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore for hostel accommodation.
College Identity Card
It is compulsory for every student to obtain his/her Identity Card from the College Office upon admission. If an Identity Card is lost, a new card may be issued against payment of Rs. 200.
It is compulsory for every student to display the Identity Cards while being on the College Campus.
Student shall surrender the Identity Card to the College Office for record on completion of the program and/or termination of his/her program.

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