
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Rules Regarding Abroad Candidates

The Vice-Chancellor has, in anticipation of the approval of the relevant besides, been pleased to approve the amendment in Regulation 24(a) relating to conduct of Examinations, pages 514516 of the University Calendar Vol. 1 for the year 1990 as indicated below:-
24 (a). Categories of candidates eligible to appear beyond Territorial Jurisdication.
The University may, with the permission of the Provincial Government by a general or special order, constitute an examination centre outside its territorial jurisdiction, for the Pakistani living abroad, who have to appear in Arts Subjects, not involving practical (..) examination, either in the whole or in a part of the examinations.
Examinations for the Pakistani living abroad, shall be held in the months of July/August each year or on such dates, as may be approved by the Vice-Chancellor, in the subjects where practical/viva-voce examination is not involved. The Examinations shall be conducted at such Centres as may be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
Foreign Nationals who might have left Pakistan after completing a course of study in an Affiliated College but with or without taking the examination or after appearing in the examination failed wholly or partly. This concession will be available to them as long as they are eligible to appear as Late College Students or eligible to complete the examination.
No one who does not fall in any one of the above categories shall be allowed to appear in the examination abroad. Even external candidates who were placed under compartment or had earned exemption shall not be allowed to take the whole examination after having availed themselves of all the chances allowed to clear compartment or exemption.
A candidate who desires to appear in any Examination, to be conducted by the University of the Punjab, abroad shall pay US $ 400 as fee, to the Treasurer, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
•  Admission Fee To be determined by
•  Registration Fee the University in
•  Extra Special Fee individual cases and to
•  Paper Setting Fee be remitted by the
•  Postal Charges for candidates to the
Sending Question Treasurer, University of
Papers etc., from the Punjab, Lahore.
The candidates mentioned in the above categories would be permitted to appear only if they are otherwise eligible to take the examination.
24. (b) Contribution for the Creation of a Special Centre.
•  An application for the creation of a special centre abroad shall be entertained only if it is routed through the Pakistan Embassy/Mission in that country and is received in the University at least three months before the commencement of the examination.
Examination shall be conducted at the nearest University. If there is no University at a station, arrangement may be made to conduct the examination at a local college or school. The Pakistan Embassy concerned will obtain consent from the University or the Institution concerned to conduct the examination on behalf of the University and send it to the University office along with the application/s of the individual/s.
The candidates shall have to bear the following expenses in foreign currency:
•  Remuneration to the person/s appointed as Superintendent/s, Additional Superintendent/s and Invigilator/s.
•  Postal Charges for Dispatch of scripts from the centre.
•  Fee for setting of question papers (separate question papers will have to be set for each centre abroad).
The Embassy of Pakistan shall conduct the Examination on behalf of the Punjab University after making neutral appointments of the person from a University/Institution of that country . The question papers, answer books and other relevant Papers shall be dispatched to the Embassy or Mission of Pakistan where the examination is to be conducted.
The Embassy shall have list of certain University/ College Teachers or Examination related personnel to conduct such examination/s.
The Competent Officer of the Embassy shall calculate the expenses and receive the amount from the candidate/s in order to pay the same to the Superintendent/s and the Supervisory Staff. The Officer's estimate shall be final and shall not be open to objection.
The Superintendent shall have the power to exclude any candidate from the examination centre if the candidate fails to pay the dues on the fixed date to the Competent Officer of the Embassy.
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