Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Institute of Applied Psychology Health Psychology team arranged a webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness
Institute of Applied Psychology Health Psychology team arranged a webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness

Institute of Applied Psychology Health Psychology team arranged a webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness. Dr Fatima Arifeen, General Physician and member of ESCA, Switzerland gave an informative talk as a guest speaker.

She talked about the critical need for an early detection and prevention of breast cancer. She emphasized the need to work in the sociocultural barriers and issues associated with breast cancer in Pakistan. Dr Fatima Kamran, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator chaired the session. Dr Fatima emphasized the need for organizing hands on training programs for Health psychology trainees and psychologists working in health sector. A number of participants asked questions to clarify the prevailing myths about breast cancer. It was concluded that a timely diagnosis can lead to a 100% prognosis only in breast cancer therefore community based services need to spread the message to reduce the alarmingly increasing rate of Breast cancer in Pakistan where 1 out of 9 women is diagnosed with breast cancer. The webinar ended with a Q & A session by the participants followed by a vote of thanks by Dr. Fatima Kamran.