Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Seminar Held at Centre for South Asian Studies
Seminar Held at Centre for South Asian Studies

The Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of the Punjab, Lahore organized a seminar on December, 20, 2023, titled "Thinking Beyond Democracy & Freedom in the Age of Glocalization”. Dr. Rana Eijaz Ahmed, Professor of Political Science, University of the Punjab was the guest speaker at the occassion. Dr. Eijaz discussed about the dichotomous nature of societies that demands space for each other. He was of the view, However, we humans are supposed to respect each other's existence without any specifications. Furthermore, the speaker talked about Humans that they are born free but their specifications have made them intolerant towards each other. He stressed that tolerance is a basic ingredient of democracy, which is a means to an end, not an end itself. Dr. Eijaz said that Freedom can only be observed with impositions and impositions are against the concept of freedom.​Faculty members from different departments,undergrad and post-grad students from various disciplines attended this event.