Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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National Seminar on Contemporary Conflict Resolution held at Centre for South Asian Studies
National Seminar on Contemporary Conflict Resolution held at Centre for South Asian Studies

Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of the Punjab, Lahore organized a National Seminar on March, 11, 2024 (Monday) on “Contemporary Conflict Resolution”. Maj. Gen. (R) Dr. Farhan Akhtar, was the guest speaker. The distinguished guest speaker opened the discussion with the description of Conflict as a dynamic concept involving the notions of energy and movement. It is these attributes that give conflict its destructive potential. He was of the view that human ambition, and the dissatisfactions give rise to competition. Even the simplest desire for betterment carries with it the seeds of conflict as these wants are found to be attainable only at the expense of others. Dr. Farhan further said that when early theories were postulated on the subject there remained differences due to environment. However, the term “Conflict Resolution” keep shifting from conflict resolution to conflict management and now the latest term has emerged as conflict engagement. He provided several examples to elucidate the definition and significance of conflict. Drawing on the works of scholars such as Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Hume, and Rousseau, the guest speaker delineated the three levels of conflict – LIC (Low Intensity Conflict), MIC (Mid Intensity Conflict), and HIC (High Intensity Conflict) through diverse illustrations. The speaker also talked in detail about the Negative & Positive Peace with reference to Johan Galthung' theory. He also discussed about different approaches of Conflict Resolution Dr. Farhan ended with the note that like happiness, peace remains so near, and yet like enduring love, so far. The seminar was followed by Q & A. Faculty members from various departments, undergrad and post grad students from various disciplines attended this event.