Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU FCIT’s three BS programs get Accreditation by NCEAC
PU FCIT’s three BS programs get Accreditation by NCEAC

LAHORE: (Monday, July 01, 2024): Punjab University Faculty of Computing & Information Technology (FCIT) again has been accredited by National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC). According to the Dean Faculty of Computing & Information Technology Prof Dr Engr Shahzad Sarwar the programs accredited is actually a strong testimony of our quality of education, smooth processes, and research outcome, which was equally praised by the accreditation inspection team members. He said that this success is an outcome of hard and right decision-making, persistent focus and mutual cooperation. He praised the faculty and non-teaching staff members for achieving this milestone. He hoped that PU FCIT would continue to strive towards becoming one of the finest institutions of higher learning in computing. He also thanked PU VC Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood’s support. He said that the BS degree programs i.e CS, SE and IT have been accredited by NCEAC – HEC of fall 2020 and fall 2019. He said that all three programs have been awarded Category-X. Furthermore the NCEAC has granted a blanket accreditation for FCIT batches of fall 2018, fall 2017, fall 2016, and fall 2015 of BS CS, SE, and IT degree programs. He said that NCEAC has allowed admitting three sections in each accredited degree program, for the Academic Year 2024-2025.