Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Achievements of Punjab University Students in Various Competitions at Provincial and National Level in the Month of January 2023
Achievements of Punjab University Students in Various Competitions at Provincial and National Level in the Month of January 2023

The Directorate of Students Affairs feels honor to inform about the achievements of the Punjab University Students in different competitions. The details are as under:
Big Victory for Punjab University after many years from Karachi Circuit team comprising Syed Aayzaz Haider Gilani and Syed Kamal Ahmad, who lifted the TEAM TROPHY from the 1st All Pakistan Irshaad Bilingual Declamation Contest organized by Jamia-tur-Rasheed, Karachi from 28-01-2023 to 29-01-2023. Individually, Syed Kamal Ahmad from University Law College was given the title of Allama Iqbal award, which is for 1st Best Speaker in the Urdu category and he also received the cash prize of Rs20,000/-. Meanwhile, Syed Aayzaz Haider Gilani from Institute of Administrative Sciences captured 2nd Best Speaker award in the English category and was given a cash prize of Rs16,000/-
It is pertinent to mention that more than 100 speakers participated in the contest from all the provinces, but speakers from Punjab University triumphed over the competition.
Punjab University Team won laurels at the All Pakistan LUMS Music Fest'23, organized by the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore from 13-01-2023 to 15-01-2013. Individually, Rohail Asghar from School of Communication Studies clinched the 1st Position, Ayesha Rasheed form College of Pharmacy stood in 2nd Position in the Eastern Category, and Faraz Naseem from Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology also clinched the 2nd Position in the Instrumental Category.