
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Undergraduate Programs

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Arabic > BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Arabic

BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Arabic > Download PDF
BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Arabic
Course Title Course Code Course Type Credit Hour Download
Semester 1
Functional EnglishGENG-101General3Download
Civics and Community EngagementGCCE-101General2Download
Islamic Studies / Ethics (for Non-Muslims)GISL-101 / GETH-101General2GISL-101 Islamic Studies

GETH-101 Ethics (For Non-Muslims)
Functional Arabic-I I-العربية الوظيفةBSAR-102Major3Download
Study of Arabic Language دراسة اللغة العربيةBSAR-101Major3Download
Physics for Everyday Life (NS)NPHY-110General3Download
Semester 2
Study of Seerah of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) (AH)ISLG-101General2Download
Quantitative Reasoning (I)GQR-101 General3Download
Entrepreneurship GENT-101 General2Download
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan GICP-101 General2Download
Functional Arabic-II II-العربية الوظيفةBSAR-104Major3Download
Basic Arabic العربية الأساسيةBSAR-103Major3Download
Semester 3
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies GICT-201 General3Download
Expository Writing GENG-201 General3Download
Hadith Literature أدب الحديث النبويBSAR-203Major3Download
Functional Arabic-III IIIالعربية الوظيفيةBSAR-202Major3Download
Basic Grammar of Morphology القواعد الأساسية في علم الصرفBSAR-201Major3Download
Semester 4
Quantitative Reasoning (II) GQR-202 General3Download
Quranic Literature الأدب القرآنيBSAR-206Major3Download
Functional Arabic-IV IV-العربية الوظيفيةBSAR-205Major3Download
Basic Grammar of Syntax القواعد الأساسية في علم النحوBSAR-204Major3Download
Semester 5
Arabic Composition I - I الإنشاء العربيBSAR-303Major3Download
Applied Grammar-I I-القواعد التطبيقيةBSAR-302Major3Download
Classical Arabic Prose النثر العربي القديمBSAR-301Major3Download
Semester 6
Modern Arabic Prose النثر العربي الحديثBSAR-306Major3Download
Arabic Composition II - II الإنشاء العربيBSAR-305Major3Download
Applied Grammar-II II-القواعد التطبيقيةBSAR-304Major3Download
Semester 7
Fieldwork / IntershipMajor3Download
History of Arabic Literature-I I-تأريخ الأدب العربيBSAR-404Major3Download
Research Methodology منهج البحثBSAR-403Major3Download
Classical Arabic Poetry الشعر العربي القديمBSAR-402Major3Download
Arabic Rhetoric علم البلاغةBSAR-401Major3Download
Semester 8
Capstone ProjectMajor3Download
Bi-Lingual Translation الترجمة بين اللّغتينBSAR-408Major3Download
History of Arabic Literature-II II-تأريخ الأدب العربيBSAR-407Major3Download
Modern Arabic Poetry الشعر العربي الحديثBSAR-406Major3Download
Arabic Prosody العروض والقافيةBSAR-405Major3Download

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