
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Undergraduate Programs

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Technology Education > BS Technology Education

BS Technology Education > Download PDF
BS Technology Education
Course Title Course Code Course Type Credit Hour Download
Semester 1
Functional EnglishGENG-101General3Download
Civics and Community EngagementGCCE-101General2Download
Islamic Studies / Ethics (for Non-Muslims)GISL-101 / GETH-101General2GISL-101 Islamic Studies

GETH-101 Ethics (For Non-Muslims)
Basic ElectricityBSTE-302Major3Download
Engineering GraphicsBSTE-301Major3Download
Semester 2
Quantitative Reasoning (I)GQR-101 General3Download
Entrepreneurship GENT-101 General2Download
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan GICP-101 General2Download
General ElectronicsBSTE-304Major3Download
Computer Assisted Design and Drafting (CADD)BSTE-303Major3Download
Semester 3
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies GICT-201 General3Download
Expository Writing GENG-201 General3Download
Polymer and Wood ProcessesBSTE-307Major3Download
Basic of HVACRBSTE-306Major3Download
Graphics DesigningBSTE-305Major3Download
Fundamentals of Programming and Computational ThinkingBSTE-308Major3Download
Semester 4
Quantitative Reasoning (II) GQR-202 General3Download
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(AI)BSTE-311Major3Download
Introduction to STEM EducationBSTE-310Major3Download
Welding and FabricationBSTE-309Major3Download
Semester 5
General Methods of Teaching MCED305Interdisciplinary3Download
Philosophy of Education MCED202Interdisciplinary3Download
Internet of Things (IoT) Software DevelopmentBSTE-314Major3Download
Industrial ManagementBSTE-313Major3Download
Material and Manufacturing ProcessesBSTE-312Major3Download
Research Methods in Technology EducationBSTE-315Major3Download
Semester 6
Educational AssessmentMCED 308Interdisciplinary3Download
Curriculum DevelopmentMCED303Interdisciplinary3Download
Introduction to Embedded SystemBSTE-318Major3Download
Internet of Things (IoT) Hardware DevelopmentBSTE-317Major3Download
Instructional Technology and Materials DevelopmentBSTE-316Major3Download
Semester 7
Fieldwork / IntershipMajor3Download
Science, Technology, and SocietyBSTE-323Major3Download
Laboratory and Classroom ManagementBSTE-321Major3Download
Technical Writing and Presentation SkillsBSTE-320Major3Download
Semester 8
Capstone ProjectMajor3Download
Fundamentals of Robotics: Basics to Industry ApplicationsBSTE-324Major3Download
Industrial PsychologyBSTE-322Major3Download
Media ProductionBSTE-319Major3Download

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