
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Undergraduate Programs

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Chemistry > BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Chemistry

BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Chemistry > Download PDF
BS 04 Years & Associate Degree in Chemistry
Course Title Course Code Course Type Credit Hour Download
Semester 1
Functional EnglishGENG-101General3Download
Civics and Community EngagementGCCE-101General2Download
Islamic Studies / Ethics (for Non-Muslims)GISL-101 / GETH-101General2GISL-101 Islamic Studies

GETH-101 Ethics (For Non-Muslims)
Fundamental Concepts of Chemical BondingChem-116Major2Download
Physical Chemistry-IChem-101Major2Download
Science Wonders Around Us (NS)NSW-106General3Download
Fundamental Concepts of Chemical Bonding-LabChem-117Major1Download
Physical Chemistry-I, Lab.Chem-102Major1Download
Semester 2
World History (AH)AHIS-122General2Download
Quantitative Reasoning (I)GQR-101 General3Download
Entrepreneurship GENT-101 General2Download
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan GICP-101 General2Download
Basic Organic ChemistryChem-131Major2Download
Physical Chemistry-II ThermodynamicsChem-103Major3Download
Organic Chemistry LabChem-132Major1Download
Semester 3
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies GICT-201 General3Download
Expository Writing GENG-201 General3Download
Introduction to Analytical Chemistry-Lab.246-247Major3Download
Reaction Mechanism231Major3Download
Metallurgical Aspects of Inorganic Compounds216Major3Download
Water Treatment and Cleansers, Lab.261-262Major3Download
Introductory Biochemistry-Lab.276-277Major3Download
Introduction to Green Chemistry-Lab.291-292Major3Download
Semester 4
Quantitative Reasoning (II) GQR-202 General3Download
Stereochemistry, Lab.232-233Major3Download
Chemistry of f-block Elements-Lab.217-218Major3Download
Chemical Kinetics-Lab.201-202Major3Download
Semester 5
Chromatographic Techniques-I-Lab.346-347Major3Download
UV & IR Spectroscopy, Lab.331-332Major3Download
Electrochemistry, Lab.301-302Major3Download
Unit Operations and basic Chemical industries-Lab.361-362Major3Download
Introduction to Green Solvents-Lab.391-392Major3Download
Semester 6
Introduction to Spectral and Separation Techniques350Major3Download
Analytical Separation Tools-I, Lab.348-349Major3Download
Coordination Chemistry, Lab.316-317Major3Download
Unit Processes and Raw Materials-Lab.363-364Major3Download
Allied Chemical industries365Major3Download
Protein, Lab.378-379Major3Download
Applications of Green Solvents-Lab.393-394Major3Download
Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development Goals395Major3Download
Semester 7
Fieldwork / IntershipChem-400Major3Download
{Organic} Molecular Rearrangements, Lab. (2 + 1), Oxidation & Reduction, Lab. (2 + 1), NMR Spectroscopy, Lab. (2 + 1), Reaction Mechanism II (3+0)]431-437Major12Download
{Inorganic} Periodicity, Lab. (2 + 1), Reagents & Solvents in Inorganic Chemistry, Lab. (2 + 1), Environmental Aspects of Inorganic Compounds (2+1), Pi-Acceptor Ligands (3+0)416-422Major12Download
{Physical} Colloids, Lab. (2 + 1), Solution Chemistry, Lab. (2 + 1), Surface Chemistry, Lab. (2 + 1), Quantum Chemistry (3 + 0)401-407Major12Download
{Analytial} Electroanalytical Techniques-1,Lab. (2+1), Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy, Laqb.(2+1), [Atomic Spectrochemical Analysis, Lab.(2+1), (Hyphenated Chromatographic Techniques(3+0)446-452Major12Download
{Applied} Fuel Chemistry & Renewable Energy Resources, Lab.(2+1), Steel Industry and Metal Finishing, Lab.(2+1), [Separation and Spectral Techniques, Lab.(2+1), (Processing Industries (3+0)]461-467Major12Download
{Bio} Lipid Biochemistry, Lab. (2 + 1), Enzymes, Lab. (2 + 1), Human physiology, Lab. (2 + 1), Nutrition 3 + 0)]476-482Major12Download
Semester 8
Capstone ProjectCHEM-499Major3Download
{Analytical} Electroanalytical Technique-II, Lab. (2+1), Thermoanalytical Techniques, Lab. (2+1), Environmental Chemistry, Lab. (2+1), Compound and Molecular Specific Analysis-II (3+0)453-459Major12Download
{Organic} Mass Spectrometry & natural products, Lab.(2+1), Organic Synthesis, Lab.(2+1), Heterocyclic Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry, Lab. (2+1), Reaction Mechanism III (3+0)438-444Major12Download
{Inorganic} Atomic Spectroscopy, Lab. (2+1), Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, Lab. (2+1), Inorganic Polymers, lab. (2+1), Organometallic Chemistry (3+0)]423-429Major12Download
{Physical} Polymer Chemistry, Lab. (2+1), Photochemistry, Lab. (2+1), Spectroscopy , Lab. (2+1), Nuclear Chemistry (3+0)]408-414Major12Download
{Applied} Polymers and its Applications, Lab.(2+1), Agro-industries, (2+1), Textile Industries, Lab. (2+1), Industries and Environment (3+0) ]468-474Major12Download
{Bio} Molecular Biology, Lab. (2+1), Microbiology & Drug Metabolism, Lab. (2+1), Clinical biochemistry, Lab. (2+1), Biochemical Techniques (3+0)]483-489Major12Download

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