
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Undergraduate Programs

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GEN(SS) > Download PDF
Course Title Course Code Course Type Credit Hour Download
Semester IV
Introduction to PsychologySAPY-211General2Download
Applied PsychologySAPY-222General2Download
Information and Digital LiteracySIM-211General2Download
Information ManagementSIM-222General2Download
Introduction to Development CommunicationSMDC-211General2Download
Risk Communication and Community EngagementSMDC-222General2Download
Cyber Warfare & International SecuritySDSS-211General2Download
War in the 21st CenturySDSS-222General2Download
Foundations of Muslim Political ThoughtSIR-211General2Download
Muslim Political Theories and InstitutionsSIR-222General2Download
Introduction to Social Institutions & Civic EducationSPS-211General2Download
Evolution of State and InstitutionsSPS-222General2Download
Introduction to Social Work and Social WelfareSSW-211General2Download
Fields of Social WorkSSW-222General2Download
SS - CSSSS1234General3Download
Introduction to Social WelfareISWf-112General2Download
Pakistani Society and CultureGNSOC102General2Download
Semester 1
Introduction to SociologySSOC-101General2Download
Introduction to EconomicsSS-101General2Download

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